During April and May we took part in the GM Big Disability Survey along with many other Disabled People’s Organisations across Greater Manchester.
The aim of the survey was to find out what the main issues are faced by disabled people during the Covid 19 pandemic and lockdown.
Standard and easy read formats were circulated and the survey received 936 respondants.
The main findings include:
90% of respondents said that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their mental
80% of respondents were not included in the official shielded group, yet 57% of those
had support needs.
56% of respondents had experienced some difficulty sourcing Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
62% of respondents have experienced one or more health visit being stopped due to
Disabled people are less satisfied with their care plans since the outbreak of Covid-19.
Prior to the outbreak, 58% felt satisfied or very satisfied and this has reduced to 35%
after Covid-19.
A third of disabled people believe that their local authority is not doing anything significant
whilst 76% of disabled people are dissatisfied with the help provided by the government.
Read the full results ion this link
Greater Manchester Disabled People’s Panel has now made a list of recommendations based on responses.
These include recognising digital exclusion as a key issue during this pandemic, and that digital inclusion is an
urgent priority and that accessible information be implemented and produced consistently.
Read more about the things we do at Breakthrough UK – the differences we make and the positive things we do for disabled people in Greater Manchester. < Read More >