Why fund us

  • There is a 33% gap between employment rates of disabled and non-disabled people
  • 15% of disabled people report believing they were discriminated against when turned down for a job, compared to 7% of non-disabled job seekers
  • Aspiration levels of disabled people aged 16 are similar to their non-disabled peers. By age 26 disabled people are less confident and four times more likely to be unemployed (DWP)

We believe disabled people should be given the same chances as equally as everyone else – a meaningful job, accessible living for independence, and not confined to attending segregated activities.

Trusts and Foundations

As quite a small charity, we rely on trusts and foundations so we can deliver sustainable quality services to disabled people.

A donation of any size is much appreciated by us; you could provide unrestricted funding or help to fund a specific service that we provide to disabled people in Greater Manchester.

Email admin@breakthrough-uk.co.uk if you’d like to find out more.

Latest News

Impact Review

Read more about the things we do at Breakthrough UK – the differences we make and the positive things we do for disabled people in Greater Manchester. Read More >

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